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An Opportunity Seized Page 3
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Page 3
“So what brings you to London, Jason? Are you holidaying or on business?”
It was crunch time. Jason had to make the decision to reveal his true reason for being in London or lie to Toni.
He’d been hoping this question would come up a little further into their lunch date or maybe even later—after he’d had the chance to figure out what it was about her that had him so tied up in knots. It was like his body recognized her, his mind already knew that she was meant for him, and this line of thinking currently rolling around his head had Jason stumped. He wasn’t a romantic man, did not believe in love at first sight. That was just something women read about in romance books to make them happy. But here he was, a grown man, a man with quite an extensive sexual history, and he was having happy-ever-after thoughts like some ditzy teenage girl, for a woman he hardly knew and who was way out of his league.
“A bit of both really,” he finally answered.
“Oh that sounds intriguing. What business are you in?”
“Security.” He wasn’t trying to sound mysterious but just couldn’t think of the best way to come clean.
“So how did you get into that line of work?”
Toni’s question gave him a bit of respite and Jason jumped on it immediately. If he could sidetrack her with stories from his past, maybe he could keep his secret for just a bit longer.
“I joined the Army straight out of school, spent ten years ‘serving our country’, as others like to put it. After a few stints in Afghanistan I decided it was time to bail. My mate Nathan had just started up Haven Security, and he offered me a job. It was a no-brainer really. Doing the sort of stuff I’d been trained for, thanks to the Australian Army. I’ve spent the last two years helping him build up his company.”
Jason saw it—the minute he mentioned the name of the company, Toni reacted. She sat up a little straighter, her eyes opened wider and she started biting at her bottom lip. She had heard of the security firm her father had on retainer to look out for his company and family interests. Of course she has, idiot. All the alarms installed in Toni’s family home have ‘Haven Security’ written on them.
He’d fucked up big time without even realizing it. She really had him operating off his game to have made that kind of rookie slip-up. Where was all that bloody training he’d just mentioned?
“Did you say Haven Security?”
Jason could hear the note of disbelief in her voice and wondered how long it would be until the penny dropped and she put two and two together. The fact that he’d just happened to be in the park at the same time as her, had come to her rescue, and the humdinger that they were both staying in the same hotel.
“Yes, Toni, I did.”
Toni had started tapping her finger on the table, a nervous kind of habit someone might unconsciously do when they were upset. At least his training still had him noticing things like that. Studying human nature and how a person reacts when dealing with stress could be helpful in figuring out truth from lies—something Jason had been very adept at doing, which had helped him stay ahead of trouble more than once. Jason reached out and gently placed his hand over Toni’s for two reasons—he hoped it would still her fingers and stop the tapping, and also prevent her from doing a runner on him.
“Please hear me out before you take aim at me… Before you jump to the wrong conclusion. You being here with me at this table is something I want for me. There is no ulterior motive in this lunch. I just want to get the chance to spend some time with a woman I’m finding hard to resist. The woman who has my stomach tied up in knots and my mind thinking things no respectable man should be thinking.”
“My father hired you…” Tears had started to escape from Toni’s eyes, and Jason wanted to punch himself in the head for being responsible for her sadness. Had she heard anything he’d just said?
“Please don’t cry, luv. I never meant to hurt you. Yes, I was hired to protect you—but from a distance. I was never supposed to make contact with you unless there was a good reason—if you were in imminent danger. But I couldn’t keep that charter. The more I followed you around, the more I wanted to get to know you, speak to you… My God, that sounds awful, like I’m some kind of stalker…”
Jason knew he was making a hash of things. The words weren’t coming out like he wanted. He needed to explain that she meant more to him than some security detail—but that would sound even more desperate.
“I’m sorry I didn’t tell you back at the park but I wanted you to get a chance to get to know me a bit better,” Jason pleaded. “Maybe decide you liked what you saw. And then I was going to explain everything, probably starting off by admitting that I’m booked into the room adjacent to yours.”
My father hired him.
She was such a fool.
Not only had she, just hours ago, been reflecting on the fact that her mother and father had finally let her do something on her own, trusted her to be able to look after herself—but the man that she had thought, ridiculously, had come to her rescue and shown a bit of interest in her, was in fact being paid to watch her—more than likely reporting back to her controlling father her every movement. And even more humiliating, she’d had no idea it was all happening until Jason had spelled it out.
Yes, she had recognized the name of the company he worked for. Of course she had. Toni had met Nathan Haven many times in her father’s office at the family home. He’d even walked through the primary school where she taught… Just to make sure she was working in a safe environment—like teaching kindergarten kids was going to thrust her into the realms of danger.
But the way Jason is stroking my hand and the words coming from his mouth seem sincere. She was so confused, so upset. Her world had just been thrown off its axis and she didn’t know what to do next.
“Roast beef and Yorkshire pudding?”
The waiter’s question drew Toni back from her inner turmoil.
“Thank you,” she managed to squeak out. She pulled her hand back from Jason’s grasp and the waiter placed their plates in front of them.
“Is there anything else I can get you? Another drink, perhaps?” the waiter asked politely.
“Thanks, mate. I think we’re all good for now,” Jason replied while Toni was still trying to decide what she should do next.
Should I just get up and leave? Check out of the hotel and go somewhere else? Or should I stay and listen to what he has to say? How could someone as gorgeous as Jason really be interested in me? It’s because of my name, the money. Toni felt sick to her stomach and the aroma of the food was making it worse. So this is how I can lose weight—get a man to break my heart. The last thought pulled her up short. Why did she feel like Jason had broken her heart? She’d only just met him. He didn’t have that kind of power over her emotions—or shouldn’t. This was about her family—the fact that Eva and Frank Grimaldi would not give her any space—not the man sitting in front of her, looking at her with such genuine concern. He was not to blame for just doing what he had been hired to do.
“Come back to me, luv. You’re a million miles away… Say something. Please!”
Toni took a steadying breath then exhaled slowly, trying to calm down the maelstrom of emotion that was clouding her brain. “So, what you’re saying is that you weren’t supposed to make contact with me but you did? Why was that again? It’s not like being covered in goose poo is all that dangerous to my well-being. Smelly…yes. Uncomfortable…yes. But certainly not putting my life at risk.”
“I couldn’t just stand back and do nothing—not when you needed my help. I’d been wanting to talk to you for days. There were a few close calls when I only just managed to stop myself in time. Like when you went to St. Paul’s Cathedral, you spent so long reading about the history, I wanted to have a conversation with you. I love English history, have always been fascinated with the monarchy—not to mention the war and Britain’s involvement. You went everywhere that I would’ve gone if I’d been on holiday. That fascinated me about you. It
appeared we had a lot in common, and it didn’t hurt that you happen to be the sexiest woman I’ve ever seen.”
She’d been following along up until the part where Jason had said he thought she was sexy. Toni couldn’t help it. She burst out laughing. “Me? Sexy? When was the last time you had your eyes checked, Mr. Security Man?” Toni managed to say when she had regained her composure.
“And that was before I saw you with your shirt off,” Jason replied cheekily, causing Toni’s face to burn with embarrassment at the memory. She didn’t miss the accompanying wink either as Jason once again held out his hand to her and she placed her own in his.
There was no denying the spark between them and the way just the feel of her hand in Jason’s made her heart race. She wanted to believe him because she was attracted to him like no other. “Well, you are definitely the hottest guy I’ve ever had give me his shirt.”
“Good to know. Now, can we finish our lunch and do some sightseeing? I think I’d like to take a look at London from The Eye and I’d like to do that with my arm around you, not hiding behind a tree or a pole.”
“Sounds like a plan to me. Bus, train or taxi? Your choice, Jason, but I warn you, if we catch a cab, you’re not paying all the fare.”
Chapter Four
“Look at the length of those queues. You sure you don’t want to buy the fast track tickets? We could be standing around all day otherwise.” Lunch had ended with Jason feeling like a weight had been removed from his shoulders. He still found it hard to believe Toni had forgiven him so quickly over his deception but he thanked heaven and earth that she had.
“What’s wrong, Jason? Scared to stand in a line and chat? I enjoy being one of the crowd, experiencing the growing anticipation as the queue moves along, until finally it’s my time to ride. Or are you worried I might find out a few secrets you’re not ready to share?”
“I’m not worried. I was a soldier. Part of my training was how to withstand all forms of interrogation—even from sexy woman. But I’d much rather talk about you.”
“Nice distraction technique but I’m not falling for it. Why don’t you line up and I’ll go grab the tickets.”
There wasn’t time for him to answer Toni before she trotted off toward the ticket sales window. He really shouldn’t have let her head off into the swarm of people alone and so Jason remained on high alert until he caught sight of her curly hair bouncing up and down over her shoulders as she headed back toward him. It took her a few moments to spot him, but when she did, the smile she gave him made his heart beat a little faster.
“Here you are. I was worried I’d lost you. There really are a lot of tourists here today.”
“Not much hope of that, luv. You’re stuck with me and I wouldn’t want it any other way. I must admit you’ve been a real surprise, though. When I was given this assignment, I thought I’d be following some spoiled rich heiress around the shops all day and shivering my nights away outside some playboy’s apartment. I guess I shouldn’t stereotype people before I know them.”
Jason was glad Toni didn’t take offense at his comments and, judging by her laughter, she found his fears amusing.
“I’m sorry I shattered your illusions but if it makes you feel any better, I think most of the people my parents would prefer me to hang out with would easily fit that description. I guess you got lucky then, Mr. Security Man. Although, now I think about it, maybe you deserve to follow me around the shops for a few hours. It would be my revenge on you for spying on me.”
Taking Toni’s hand in his, Jason brought it up to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “I’m not spying, luv. I’m protecting. Just think of me as Kevin and you can be Whitney.”
“Does that mean I get to sing? I’m not very good. Even my students cover their ears when I try to lead them in the school song.”
“I guess I could try to find a karaoke bar, but then I get to sweep you up in my arms and carry you off the stage.”
Jason laughed when Toni poked her tongue out at him. He really enjoyed chatting with her. It was easy. They were making slow progress toward the boarding area for the pods that would take them high into the sky, but Jason didn’t care how long it took them. He was enjoying himself. “What made you decide to become a teacher?”
“What made you decide to become a soldier?” she replied, quick as a flash.
“Isn’t it every boy’s dream to become a soldier and play with guns?”
“Really? Is that what all the little boys in my class want to be when they grow up? I was pretty sure some wanted to be firefighters or footy stars.”
“Well, aren’t you a feisty one?” He tapped his finger on her nose gently. “I play footy like you sing, so it wasn’t an option for me. So, Miss Grimaldi, what about teaching does it for you?”
Toni went from giggling to serious in a heartbeat. “I love everything about my job—all those eager young minds soaking up information at such a rapid pace. Seeing the joy in their faces when they succeed at something new. I don’t have to pretend to be someone I’m not. For a good chunk of the day, I am the center of their world and them, mine. Not that my parents can understand any of that. I think my choice of profession is a bit below their expectation. And worse, I teach at a local school, not some hoity-toity rich kid school. What made you leave the Army?”
“The senseless death. I did tours in Afghanistan and Iraq then joined the special commando unit and did some more time overseas. I saw too many buddies injured and worse. Got into a few close scrapes where I wasn’t sure I’d make it and I think I just burnt out.” Jason never spoke about his reasons for leaving the service but the words had just slipped from his lips before he had time to think. “Wow, so much for my anti-interrogation techniques.” Talking about the past brought back memories Jason tried not to relive. He hated how emotional he felt thinking about the horrors of war he’d experienced, the things he had done under orders. It made him feel weak but when Toni wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him, without a word, Jason could feel the pain in him ease a little.
“Look, we’re up next, luv. Ready to see London from the sky?”
“See? That didn’t take long at all. Don’t forget you promised to do it with your arm around me.”
Jason hadn’t forgotten and he was doubly pleased that Toni hadn’t either.
* * * *
Going around in the pod on The Eye had been more fun than Jason had imagined. The view of London was spectacular, but it was seeing and hearing Toni’s reactions that had made it even more so.
After returning to their hotel—this time jumping on and off London’s red double decker buses to get them there—they had shared a few drinks at the bar. Jason had decided that it was safe for him to relax a little, now that he knew Toni wouldn’t be heading out again. As much as he had enjoyed every moment they had shared, Jason was finding it harder and harder, literally, to keep his hands off Toni. His cock had been semi-erect all day and he suspected that his balls would be a shade of blue if he didn’t do something soon. But he didn’t want to rush her.
The old Jason would have been thinking about bedding his date, getting the woman naked so he could pleasure her against the wall, on the floor or in a bed—it wouldn’t have mattered just as long as they both orgasmed hard and were left sated and breathless. Then he’d take his leave.
Jason always made it clear that he wasn’t the settling down type of guy before things got too out of hand. He’d seen first-hand what being ‘in love’ or married did to a couple—had lived his life caught in between his parents’ constant battling. It had been the reason he’d joined the Army—deciding that if he were going to be in the middle of a war, he might as well be in one where he could be useful. But if a woman wanted some gratuitous sex then he was the guy for her—and he’d had plenty of action.
This thing with Toni—whatever it was—was different. Jason wanted more than just a quick romp in the sack. He wanted to hold her in his arms as they fell asleep, after a round or two of so
me mind-blowing sex, of course. Jason wanted Toni something bad, wanted to feel his cock push between the folds of her pussy. He wanted to hear Toni call his name as he licked and sucked her clit and drove her wild, until the resulting orgasm left her body quivering with satisfaction. Then he would enter her slowly, savoring every new sensation as his cock found space between those slick, wet walls of her cunt.
Even though he wanted this nearly more than he wanted his next breath, Jason had walked Toni to her door, and, after organizing a time for them to meet in the morning, he had kissed her lips gently then walked away. It had taken every ounce of his self-control to leave her there with her eyes burning a hole in his back as she’d watched him go.
As a result, Jason now sat in his room, calling himself every name under the sun for being such an idiot and not taking what he’d wanted—Toni naked and lying stretched out on his bed. All the while he ruthlessly pumped his hand up and down his cock to try to give his balls some relief.
He needed to clear his head so he could email the daily report of Toni’s movements to Nathan. Well, as detailed as he could without giving away the fact that he’d blown his cover and was now lying in bed imagining all the ways he wanted to pleasure the daughter of the firm’s biggest client. Yep, Nathan really did not need to read about any of that—his mate would go ballistic.
* * * *
Toni couldn’t sleep. Looking at the clock again and finding out that only a few minutes had passed, she kicked the sheets off her legs with exasperation. Her body was on fire, the sheets too heavy against her skin. She’d flung off her nightie twenty minutes ago as the fabric had abraded her sensitive nipples—nipples that had remained hard and wanting—or, more precisely, wanting Jason ever since he had left her at her door. This is ridiculous. I should just go bang on his door until he lets me in and gives me an orgasm so I can bloody sleep. What’s the point of knowing he’s next door if I can’t take advantage of it? It had been a bit of a shock at first when Jason had admitted to being in the room next to hers all along. Toni was convinced she had just invented a new form of torture.